Cylite CEO presented latest measurement results on in-vivo topography obtained using Cylite’s Hyperparallel OCT™ technology at the 2018 Imaging in the Eye Conference.
The paper, entitled “Novel highly-parallelized OCT providing motion-tolerant in-vivo topographic metrology of ocular surfaces, biometry and volume anterior segment imaging” was co written by Cylite scientists and researchers at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, Queensland University of Technology.
It describes in-vivo measurements of the corneal surfaces and other measurements of the eye can be made with high precision using Cylite’s HP-OCT™ instrument, even in the presence of patient movement. This may be used to predict the optical performance of the eye in a single instrument. Such an instrument may allow better outcomes for complicated cataract and refractive surgeries and provide better understanding of the growth and dynamics of the eye or provide screening or monitoring capabilities for many common ocular diseases.
To request a copy of this presentation, please click here.